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 Price list

I will take around 200 photos which i will then sit through and edit.

I will then send you small facebook size images so you can choose your favourite ones and i'll then put your high resolution selected images onto a disc which I will send out to you.


£10.00 per image selected.

Plus P&P for disc.



I would recommend at least a 1 hour session.


I will spend 10-15 mins interacting with your pet, so that they feel more comfortable around me and then i'll take natural photos of them just being themselves and then I'll take more of them actually sitting/laying and 'posing' for the camera, so you get both sides of your pet.


30 minutes ...................................... £10.00

1 hour .............................................. £20.00

1 hour 30 min ................................. £30.00

2 hours ............................................ £40.00

2 hours 30 min ................................ £50.00

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